Friday, October 30, 2009

My IT person quit and refuses to tell me who hosted my web site. How can I find out?

When I go to the web site now it tells me page can not be displayed. Did he delete the web site? My domain is registered so how can I get the web sites back up and running?

My IT person quit and refuses to tell me who hosted my web site. How can I find out?

A starting place is to go to and do a WHOIS lookup of your domain dame. That will tell you at least who your domain name was registered through.

To find out on hosting, go to and type in the IP address equivalent of your website and run a search on it. That will tell you who hosts it.

To get the IP address:

1. Click the %26#039;Start%26#039; button %26amp; select %26#039;Run%26#039;

2. Type: cmd ...and press Enter

3. Type: ping %26quot;your website name%26quot;

(Example: ping

4. It will say %26quot;Reply from%26quot; and will give the IP Address

(Example: Google%26#039;s IP is

My IT person quit and refuses to tell me who hosted my web site. How can I find out?

My suggestion... sue him.

Or at least threaten legal action.. should get some answers out of him.

Other Replys:Kidnap him at knife point one day and threaten to hurt him if he doesn%26#039;t give you the info.

Other Replys:Check the bills. There must have been a paid invoice for the hosting.

Other Replys:If he doesn%26#039;t work for you he doesn%26#039;t need to tell you anything. However, if he sabotaged anything before leaving, then you can definitely sue him.

Other Replys:May be your IT person deleted all pages. But you can check it by going to their you can enter your web site address like then they show you that that name already taken and owner is this. you can contact owner by e-mail.

Maybe you can take legal action on IT person.

Other Replys:well u seem to be is tight spot.

well you could do a whois on your sitename and it will give ou the details of the sub-registra, and also details of the site state.

%26quot;page can not be displayed%26quot; can also mean the start page name has been changed.

so the browser does not know what the default page is on the web server.

Other Replys:Go to this website:

type in the domain and do a search you should get detailed information.

Try this one too:

Is Premier Express Inc. ( the same as Premier Worldwide Express (www.premierworl

I received an offer for employment but GoDaddy says that this domain is registered to someone in california. Looks like a scam.

Is Premier Express Inc. ( the same as Premier Worldwide Express (

?閳?wish i could help.

Is Premier Express Inc. ( the same as Premier Worldwide Express (

I got the same offer. I found this website and they have the same logo so I think that it probably is a scam.

Building a Website?

Ok i need an in depth answer on this becuz right now i dont really understand anything. Basically i want to open up an online forum. I have the domain name registered. Next step is a host. What do i need to look for in the host. I mean had anyone ever done a forum. I;m going to use vbulletin as the program. I think im gonna need email accounts and all sorts of things. much help appreciated. thanks.

Building a Website?

You don%26#039;t need a lot of storage and you need a database. I recommend They are the world%26#039;s largest hosting company and have everything you need.

Building a Website?

Easy answer.

Hire a professional. You are just going to bury yourself trying to learn all these things just for a forum.

Other Replys:i use which has some really good prices and featrues and has built in forum software called phpforum.


Other Replys:Go with they have great customer service as well as access to Cpanel which is great for people new to building websites. The version of Cpanel asmallorange uses includes Fantastico which automates the process of installing forums like vbulletin.

Fantistico doesn%26#039;t install vbulletin but can install the following:




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Content Management




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Discussion Boards





OS Commerce

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Image Galleries

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Mailing Lists


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Site Builders

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Other Scripts



Noahs Classifieds








Side menu appearance

Email notifications

Installations overview

Other Replys:You%26#039;ll need to figure out how many people you are expecting. Look for a host with a good customer service record so that they can help you with problems. Look for transfer rate, because if people refresh your pages a lot to see new posts, it will add up.

Try this forum for a place to discuss hosting companies and issues

Other Replys:I think the best idea for you would be to hire a web programmer on contract. I%26#039;ve been a professional programmer for awhile now, and there are some things that you just can%26#039;t learn overnight.

Good Luck

Other Replys:I also recommend as the host. They are the most economical, reliable and secure. And they will install the bulletin board software for you. The most popular FREE bulletin board software is phpBB and SMF.

Are there other options for setting up DNS on a Windows 2003 Server?

I have a Windows 2003 Server and I need to set up VPN, Exchange Server and File Sharing. Is there another option besides setting up my own DNS from Scratch. Also, is it necessary to have a domain name registered with a place called

Are there other options for setting up DNS on a Windows 2003 Server?

1. Start the DNS Manager (Start - Programs - Administrative Tools - DNS Manager)

2. From the DNS menu, select New Server and enter the IP address of the DNS Server, e.g., and click OK

3. The server will now be displayed with a CACHE sub part

4. Next we want to add the domain, e.g., from the DNS menu, select New Zone

5. Select Primary and click Next

6. Enter the name, e.g., and then press tab, and it will fill in the Zone File Name and click Next

7. Click Finish

8. Next a zone for reverse lookups has to be created, so select New Zone from the DNS menu

9. Select Primary and click Next, enter the name of the first 3 parts of the domain IP +, e.g. if the domain was 158.234.26, the entry would be, in my example it would be, click tab for the file name to be filled and click Next, then click Finish

10. Add a record for the DNS server, by right clicking on the domain and select %26quot;New Record%26quot;

11. Enter the name of the machine, e.g. BUGSBUNNY (I had a strange upbringing :-) ), and enter and IP address, e.g. and click OK

12. If you click F5 and examine the a record has been added for BUGSBUNNY there as well

Are there other options for setting up DNS on a Windows 2003 Server?

Thanks 4 Voting! :) Report It

Other Replys:Exchange Server sounds like it would so what you are looking to do.

You can buy domains from any ICANN registered company including but this is not needed for what you are looking to do. If you want to remote into your VPN just use the numerical IP (Internet Protocol) address to login.

Web hosting?

hey i already own a website but i still dont understand it...i created a website with freewebs and bought a domain and registered with it...however i bought the whole package with html editing and i need all this for my simple freewebs there such a thing as just buying a address and redirecting another site to it such as ? ....also is freewebs the easiest way of hosting pages onto the internet...although i am not intending to pay bandwidth for people visiting...please help

Web hosting?

I would not choose free web hosts as they are not reliable and once I used free host, but all my data lost and they didn%26#039;t have back up and I had to do all over again, very frustrating.

If you look for web hosting, don閳ユ獩 rush into it. Read reviews about web hosting and decide properly before going ahead with web hosting.

I personally will recommend you a web hosting which many people find it very reliable. It is hostmonster.

Before deciding to sign up hostmonster, read the reviews and stats about hostmonster at the following website.

Web hosting?

dude if u are not familier with html or xml then pls try out some of the web builders available in web builders u basically need to just da=rag n drop links n this ll surely help u a lot rather than messing up with complex coding..... n till now i havent come acrss any address being no idea abtt tat... ll suggest u to go for free web instead of concentrating on ur own web address

Other Replys:Golly, are you wasting your cash, check this out.

for asp, for strictly html and java check out

All you really need is to register a domain, Run a server on your computer and host the sites yourself!

email me if you need more help.

Other Replys:I would not suggest you free web hosting as they are usually not very reliable. Just go for paid web hosting and you won閳ユ獩 regret it.

All of the web hosting providers, I will recommend you to go for hostmonster web hosting.

They are simply one of the best web hosting providers and their service is very much reliable and their uptime is also excellent.

With their web hosting, you will get 1500 GB webspace, 15000 GB bandwidth (data transfer) and multiple (upto 1000) domain web hosting. You will also get free domain as well.

Check their features at their site.

Other Replys:If you need basic hosting, you can try hosting at , it is completely free and there are no Ads

FTP problem again?

Okay. So here%26#039;s my specific situation.

I got a domain name from I got it. I bought it. It%26#039;s active. It%26#039;s working.

For my hosting, I used another company. So I have a domain with one company. I have my hosting with another company.

I got SmartFTP as my FTP client.

I already logged in. I get my domain%26#039;s name showing up on the FTP box. I%26#039;ve looked for my index page, and I%26#039;ve made the transfer into the proper folder on my FTP box.

Why do I still not get my domain working properly? As soon as I type in my domain, I get my domain company%26#039;s website (which I expected). But I would really like to get my website showing up instead.

Is this a problem between my domain being from another hosting company? Is there a step I%26#039;m missing here?

And yes, this is my second website, but I want to do it on my own. I got helped last time.

FTP problem again?

you have to transfer your domain name to the hosting company. ie you have to specify that you want your domain name to be hosted by a particular company. And after you send the request it takes about 24 to 48 hours before you can access your domain name.

FTP problem again?

Did you upload to the correct folder?

Also, did you upload an index.*** page?

Other Replys:You need to make sure that you%26#039;re pointing the domain to the actual website - either by masked forwarding, or by going in and changing your DNS Nameservers to match those of your webhosting company. (There should be some setup options for this from the website you actually BOUGHT the domain from or if you%26#039;ve parked the domain with some other company, THEY should have a setup area to change the DNS)

Hope this helps!

If you%26#039;ve already done this, than make sure you have the index.html (.htm, .php, .cgi or whatever you%26#039;ll be using) page in the root folder on your FTP server.

Other Replys:You have to point your domain Name Servers to your other hosting company.

Find out the what the address%26#039;s for your hosting company%26#039;s name servers e.g,

Then log in to your domain company, under DNS you should be able to enter your Name servers.

Then when they visit your domain, instead of seeing your domain company%26#039;s page, they%26#039;ll be re-directed to your hosting company which houses your site.

Other Replys:Did you set up the domain%26#039;s company DNS to point to your hosting service?

In few words you need to tell to your domain registar where is the correspondent webserver, mailserver, ftp server...

I guess you have to login at and manage the DNS record of your domain.

Other Replys:You might need to set up the ftp program to automatically over write files on the remote server. Type the direct path to one of your other pages, not the home page into your browser to see if it appears.

MAYBE TRY : Open Internet Explorer and visit (replacing http:// with ftp://)

Put in your username and password provided by your company and take a good look around. You might find a temporary index.html put there by the hosting company as the temporary home page. If you do, that%26#039;s where to put the files.

Using Internet explorer as an ftp client allows you to click and drag the files to your web space also for ease, prompting you normally if you want to over write existing files.

If all else fails, contact the hosting company. If they cant%26#039; answer a small question like that, they%26#039;re not worth paying money to in the future.

Other Replys:Sometimes it can take up to 48 hours for your name servers to propagate.

Registered charities and websites?

Does anyone have any experience of operating a charity website? Years ago I started one, and still operate and update it for the charity. There is however new IT management at the charities head office and I have received a letter saying that the website domain name is registered in my name, and because it is a charity website this is illegal, and that I should immediately transfer it into the name of head office.

I hold the lease the domain name (a one) and as the registrant I assume that this implies I own it.

As I can閳ユ獩 find any laws governing this I閳ユ獡 thinking it might be the new head if IT that閳ユ獨 trying to pull a fast one.

Has anyone come across this legislation and if so could someone point me towards it?

Thanks, Charlie

Registered charities and websites?

You do own the name. If they want to buy it off you, that%26#039;s another matter.

Alternatively, they could buy a similar one and yours will become defunct.

A isn%26#039;t the usual format for a charity. If your IT person wants to take over the name, you have to agree. He can%26#039;t just make you transfer it.

How can i sign-up for a free blog on friendster?

i%26#039;ve been registering for the free friendster blog but whenever i choose my domain it always say that %26quot;The domain you choose is either has invalid characters or someone already registered by that domain%26quot;, so i%26#039;ve changed it for several times and i even used my nickname but its always the same thing..What should i do? HELP!!!!

How can i sign-up for a free blog on friendster?

Try contacting customer support. It may be something on their end that is messed up.

How can I take a UK based webhost firm to court, living in Ireland?

In 2005, I have registered a .com domain with my name, for 2 years. That domain expired in 2007, and as I was going to change webhosts, I never bothered doing it before the domain registration expired, and my previous webhost never bothered telling me I should have done it 1 month beforehand. Now, I have lost my domain. I was expecting it to be released again after 2 months, but it is just being used by firms which are obviously expecting me to contact them and pay a rip off to get it back. Obviously, I am just an individual, but imagine, if I had a business, and was losing business day after day. I really want to sue my previous webhost, but I live in Ireland. Can anbody help, or suggest something, or if you are a solicitor specialized in customer protection, would you contact me, please? Thanks!

How can I take a UK based webhost firm to court, living in Ireland?

This is really two separate questions.

The first is: how do I sue a UK-based company, in Ireland? That%26#039;s pretty simple; you can issue a claim in Ireland against UK company if the service is provided in Ireland.

The UK-company can ask for the matter to be transferred to their %26#039;local%26#039; court and it almost certainly would be because the agreement was almost certainly under UK law.

Or you can issue a claim in the UK courts - it does not matter where your country of origin is, as longas you pay the fee.

These days, the physical location of the court is pretty irrelevant, most pre-trial matetrs are dealt with in writing or by phone - only the trial requires you to be there.

Second implicit question is: do I have a claim?

Almost certainly not.

The webhost is under no contractual obligation to notify you that you paid-for period is ending unless that was in the contract you agreed.

I%26#039;m pretty sure it won%26#039;t be.

Without that, you don%26#039;t have a chance. Sorry.

How can I take a UK based webhost firm to court, living in Ireland?

what is the domain name? has the domain name been reregistered to them or is it still in ur name but expired?

Other Replys:Sorry to tell you but even if you were able to take the hosting company in court, chances are you will be losing anyway. You are the one responsible for letting the domain name expire. The hosting company has no obligation whatever of keeping an expired domain name for the original owner, and definitely cannot prevent smart domainers to register it for reselling purposes.

You would have a case if and only if prior to expiration, you asked the host to release the domain for you to transfer to another host, and they refused or delayed that transfer.

There are thousands of companies around which are monitoring expired domains and would register anyone as soon as it comes available. The only way to protect your domain if you plan to change of host is to get it transferred prior to expiration. In fact, if your domain is very valuable, it is even advised to keep it with a top registrar, which will allow you just to modify your DNS for it to be used with any hosting company you may choose. This way, changing of host is easy and painless.

Hope it helps.


What's the best hosting site for ....?

Currently I have Yahoo as my hosting iste and have bought domain names from I want one hosting site for my three domain names to integrate and be hosted by the same company. Not sure if I should keep Yahoo or do you guys suggest another one that is effective? My business is small, I will include flash if possible, with music.

What%26#039;s the best hosting site for ....?

I use 1%26amp;1.

They have great prices, good service and the best

price on domain registration. For ~$6/year, you get a your own domain, a 5 page website, a 1G mailbox, an easy to use sitebuilder, etc. If you need more than that, use 1%26amp;1%26#039;s hosting, you get the domain name(s) for free.

I find the:

i find the:

is domain is me register in 1998.

can i buy it?

I find the:

They have it till 11-22-2007

Domain Name.......... WSSEE.COM

Creation Date........ 2006-11-22 12:24:58

Registration Date.... 2006-11-22 12:24:58

Expiry Date.......... 2007-11-22 12:24:58

Call or email them and ask if they will sell it here---%26gt;

Tech Email...........

Tech Phone........... +86.2165230568

Tech Fax............. +86.2165230568

Or write them here---%26gt; Room 403, No.48, Lane 81, ZhaYin Road, BaoShan District

Building websites?

I have got my domain name from, and where do I go from there? It is a website for a business. I am good with computers, but I%26#039;m kind of lost. My co-worker is building our site on, but I don%26#039;t think it%26#039;s going to work. Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Building websites?

Start with an HTML tutorial:

When you%26#039;ve learned a good deal of HTML you can look for a suitable web design application.

A good design application is NetObjects Fusion:

Building websites?

you need someone to host your website buy a hosting plan with anyone then you can start building you webpage. using html coding or a tool like dreamweaver. goodluck

How to change permission with your IIS over the internet?

I am having an IIS and using a domain. But my register won%26#039;t work since the database can%26#039;t be updated. I need the write permission but i dunno how

here is a sample

How to change permission with your IIS over the internet?

you need write access to the site, which will be their in admin panel. If that system can be accessed directly then change IIS settings from IIS manager in control panel %26gt; administrative tools %26gt; IIS

How can i make my webpage to be indexed in search engines like google and yahoo?

I registered a new domain and webpage. when i sraech my domain name in google or yahoo, there is no results. and they do not find my page. how can i sort out this matter?

How can i make my webpage to be indexed in search engines like google and yahoo?

Make sure you have the appropriate meta tags in your web page e.g.

%26lt;meta name=%26quot;Description%26quot; content=%26quot;My Fantastic site%26quot; /%26gt;

%26lt;meta name=%26quot;Keywords%26quot; content=%26quot;Interesting stuff, more interesting stuff%26quot; /%26gt;

webbots and webcrawlers will add these tags to their index.

How can i make my webpage to be indexed in search engines like google and yahoo?

(for google)First, go here:

type in your websites url

you%26#039;re done

also, add meta tags ( above)

i dont know about yahoo

Other Replys:do a search for add your url to google

Other Replys:That person is right about useing %26quot;meta tags%26quot;. Not all search engines use them but a lot of the major ones do.

Here is 3 very helpful sites to check out.

......................................... (META Tag %26amp; Keyword Analyzer,Page Snooper,Link Popularity Checking Tool,Meta Tags Generator) ...SUBMIT EXPRESS free url submission to top search engine. ...Submit to Search Engines Register Website Add URL


Be sure you do not go hog wild on keep submitting your website. As some search engines may think it is spam.

Just follow some of the advise on these links.

It may take a while to get listed in any engine but once you do..that%26#039;s your foot in the door.

Other Replys:Heres more info.

Other Replys:hy, i%26#039;m write my tutorials how to add your page in google and many webcrawler like yahoo,, lycos it%26#039;s in my blog

How To Add Your Website to Web Crawler

How To Add Your Website to a Web Crawler Such as Google, Yahoo, Lycos and Many more

If you have a personal website, or blog site, you may wonder why your website is not on a google list yet. you%26#039;ll need to submit your URL to :


This Are Great Links To Add Your URL To Great Webcrawler


ps : You will wait for a weeks or more after submitting your website.

# Google Add Url, Add Site, Submit Site =

# Yahoo Add Url, Add Site, Submit Site =

# Yahoo Add Url, Add Site, Submit Site =

# Lycos Add Url, Add Site, Submit Site =

Other Replys:You have to optimize your site for the search engines :

Other Replys:An internet marketing strategy could include:

Search engine marketing - promotion of your website with an accurate monthly report on the visitor activity that is written by a trained consultant. This may include many different aspects of web promotion, including search engine optimisation, formulating an internet marketing plan, and in-depth keyword analysis or a straight forward site analysis.

Paid promotion - setting up and managing pay per visitor campaigns to maintain maximum visibility on the major search engines and directories, which is particularly effective for searches on niche market terms or for short term promotions.

E-mail marketing - using appropriate techniques to collect information from your website visitors and then managing the mailing lists to use e-mail as an effective, online marketing tool.

Traffic analysis - analysing website visitor activity to improve conversion rates and your ROI (return on investment) and to improve website usability. Traffic analysis is essential to measure the effectiveness of your internet marketing.

Link building - sourcing and acquiring high quality incoming links to your website to attract more targeted visitors and also to improve link popularity, which can enhance search engine prominence.

Affiliate marketing - implementation and management of affiliate marketing campaigns to increase sales of your products or services by others and to increase the prominence of your own website.

Search engine ranking - assessing how well your websites perform on the search engines and directories. Search engine ranking reports measure the effectiveness of existing campaigns and give you an insight into which internet marketing activities should be pursued.

Competitor analysis - monitoring and researching your competitors to undertake an in-depth competitor analysis of their online presence and to track future changes in their websites or their products and services.

Get a Perfect Start at

Vera Chandler.

Website Hosting Problem???

okay so i just registered a .com domain name. they gave me some like one month hosting thing so i figured out what ftp was and i uploaded my html files and created a directory on the server but when i checked out the page, the site worked alright but there was a big abnoxious banner ad at the top from the web hoster ( i checked out all the files but nothing seems to be there. any solutions? how do i get rid of the banner. okay so then i had an idea. i have a pretty good internet connection and i have a relatively okay computer that isnt used. is there any way that i can host my own website? i mean i own the domain and so cant i put the html files into a directory on the computer and have it as a server? it isnt a big website so it shouldnt be a problem. i am a total newbie at this website stuff and i need some serious help. serious answers only.. thanks!!

Website Hosting Problem???

In all actuality, I would go use Yahoo for hosting your page if I were you. It is much easier to use and you put all content on yourself. You download their sitebuilder for free, and as long as you can put together a Word Document, you can put together your own website. I put a link below if you want to check out more.

Hope this helps.

Website Hosting Problem???

Let me answer your questions one at a time:

1. The reason that there is a big banner at the top of your pages is because this is how the host has decided to pay for your %26quot;free%26quot; hosting. They allow you to host your web site for free, in exchange for putting their banner at the top of the page. There is no way for you to remove this from the page, unless you perhaps pay for hosting from this company.

2. As far as hosting your own web site is concerned, this is something that is possible, though I would not recommend it. There is a lot involved in doing this, especially regarding security. Additionally, many ISPs (Internet Service Providers) have stipulations in their terms and conditions that say that you%26#039;re not allowed to host a web site through your internet access. Often you%26#039;re required to sign up for the business class internet service if you want to do this. Additionally, many ISPs hand out dynamic IP addresses, which can be a problem when you want to have the domain name resolve to your machine. To get around this, you can use a service like DynDNS.

I would just recommend that you purchase web hosting from a company. You can get it for VERY cheap these days. I%26#039;m currently with HostAffect - - and they%26#039;ve got a $15 / year plan that I%26#039;d recommend.

Other Replys:The banner in question seems to have been placed by your web host. The 1 month hosting is probably a trial offer, and it%26#039;s a common practice for hosts to place a banner on your site during that time. Since you%26#039;e bought a domain name, my guess is you need to upgrade to a paid hosting option (1-2 years). Contact them regarding this. It%26#039;s the only way to remove the banner.

Im making a website and i need to know...?

im making a wesbtie for my friend%26#039;s business. he needs a server thats family friendly and we want no ads or popups. we%26#039;re willing to pay as much as necessary, it doesnt need a lot of email accounts, or much storage even as its a fairly small page. does anyone know of a good domain i can register with? im having a hard time finding onet hats trustworthy.

Im making a website and i need to know...? or they both are very very good

Im making a website and i need to know...?

I have been buying all my domas for years with they have been around for a while. They do offer hosting or you can visit the host that I personally use for my sites

Other is very reliable and very helpful

I have had many providers and Dreamhost takes the cake in my book.

Other Replys:As a general rule, if you have to pay for it, they won%26#039;t put pop-up ads on it. You should check out this list of web hosts to see you like any of them:

Other Replys:Sign up for a free Webstarts account here:

Webstarts is totally different from other ways to build websites. Most software programs or online services for building websites restrict you to work within tables or templates. With Webstarts you simply drag and drop your text, pictures, and videos wherever you%26#039;d like them to appear on a page then save.

Gallery of Websites Created With The Webstarts Editor

Highly Recommended.

Other Replys:Posbda Productions offers a wide range of packages, contact me by email, im the owner, and i will set you up with a package that doesn%26#039;t cost you what the web site says...

contact me

Have you ever received a phishing email asking for your Bank a/c details?

I receive so many phishing (fraudulent) emails asking to update my bank account details else threatening to close my bank account. These are basically emails pretending to be from a bank and provide a link to a hoax webpage designed to look like your original bank website, wherein you%26#039;re expected to put in all your bank login details.

Interesting thing is, I%26#039;ve managed to do a Whois search on the fraudulent domain names and been able to get contact details of the person registering the hoax domain names.

My question is, isn%26#039;t it easy for the police to track down such criminial websites and the persons operating them? Why is the threat for phishing scam not taken seriously? I don%26#039;t even know if there%26#039;s a separate government department set up for reporting cybercrime.

Have you ever received a phishing email asking for your Bank a/c details?

I just handled a phishing e-mail that indicated my PayPal password had been changed. It was almost identical to a real password change notification except it told you to go to a website and login with your old password. The e-mail came from I checked and a real notification came from

The link in the letter looked like a url, but, instead took you to . I spoofed an e-mail and password and was taken to where I was asked to provide all of the info from my credit card to verify who I was.

I WHOIS%26#039;d and it was registered to:

Organisation Name.... Howard Sams

Organisation Address. 310 pine valley bridgeville,pa.15017

Organisation Address.

Organisation Address. bridgeville

Organisation Address. 15017

Organisation Address. PA

I WHOIS%26#039;d and it is registered to:

Organisation Name.... Qiang Chiung

Organisation Address. P O Box 99800

Organisation Address.

Organisation Address. EmeryVille

Organisation Address. 94662

Organisation Address. CA

I reported it as a phishing site to Microsoft (tools - Phishing Filter - Report This Website).

I forwarded the entire e-mail to PayPal at

I then forwarded the e-mail and other information to US-CERT (US Computer Emergency Readiness Team) at .

It is easy to see that both sites were phishing sites. First the domain name sounds wrong. Then, neither site was a secured site (they would have started with https:... .

I hope others take the time to report phishing. It may prevent others from being victimized and, hopefully, your actions might help to lead to the prosecution and conviction of the person(s) committing the fraud.

Have you ever received a phishing email asking for your Bank a/c details?

Give me your account info and I will check into that for you.

Other Replys:it could be because there is so much of this going on. i got a phone call a few weeks ago like a telemarketer and they said i won a trip to the bahamas and to give them my credit card number and they will send my ticket in the mail . i just hung up the phone.

Other Replys:the net police are too lazy. there are so many sites popping up so many scams going on that there is just to many to track down

it is so much easier to hide your tracks in cyberspace than it is to in real life.

Other Replys:The problem for the police is that no crime has been committed unless someone has actually relieved you of large sums of cash! It%26#039;s not illegal to send one of these mails. If it%26#039;s to do with a Bank then report it to the relevant Bank. If the Bank provide a good service they will have an anti-fraud Department. By all means tell your local Police but what will they do if the attempted fraud originates in Nigeria? Make a complaint to Yahoo. You never know if enough people complain about a service that allows such mails - especially ones not addressed to your email address - to be delivered, then may...just maybe....they%26#039;ll do something about it! But dont hold your breath.

Other Replys:aye i am fed up with these emails too - i contacted my bank and they asked me to forward the emails to them ao they could check them out and update their home page to warn others - some of the links on the emails were disgusting

Other Replys:I answer many questions every day regarding fake lottery scams and phishing scams. I always direct the questionnaire to the below link for confirmation of various scams and how to report them.

Other Replys:I have had loads from Nat West and I dont even bank with them, I just ignore and delete them without opening.

Web Hosting?


I Have Registered for a Domain Name and Subscribed for Website hosting, and also I have designed my website. But I don%26#039;t know how to host my website

Kindly help me . . .



Web Hosting?

Use FTP to upload, or go to your web hosting account, search for file manager, upload index.htm , or else you may contact a web designer at website like to help you out.

Web Hosting?

contact the web host you%26#039;ve subscribed to. they will likely walk you through the process.

Other Replys:It will depend on what software you%26#039;re using to design the site, or whether you%26#039;d rather use an online feature like a content management system (Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, etc).

If your web host has cPanel, you%26#039;ll want to become familiar with that interface. At a minimum, you%26#039;ll want to learn how to manage FTP accounts (and get a secure FTP connection, so you%26#039;re not sending your password in plain text, which can be hacked)

I%26#039;m in the midst of building a set of courses on this very subject (especially cPanel)... in fact, I managed to get the attention of MY web host, and as soon as I finish this thing, they%26#039;re going to link to me as recommended training in the welcome emails to all their new customers.

The first lesson that I put up may not apply directly to your situation, but it does introduce cPanel and one way to get a site up and running in a hurry by installing WordPress. Lots of screen shots with big red arrows telling you were to click and where to type. Feedback welcome. If you want to have a peek, here%26#039;s the URL (just log in as a guest)...

Other Replys:Basically, you send the files you wrote to the site using an ftp program. (I use Filezilla.) Make sure you have an ftp program available before you call for help. (Windows has an ftp client, but it%26#039;s command-line driven, not a Windows program, so it can be difficult to learn quickly. Filezilla looks something like Windows Explorer in 2-pane mode. You can just drag%26amp;drop.)

Other Replys:You have upload your web files to the hosting site. You have a folder on the host%26#039;s disk space to load into. The process is called %26#039;ftp%26#039; but is usually hidden as a folder on your computer. You just drag files into this folder.

You should have received this info when you subscribed for hosting. If not, log onto the host and see if there is a guide or description of the process.

Other Replys:Begin with setting up your own webpage as your current internet provider will provide free hosting as discussed below.

If you are currently a paid Internet subscriber, you are entitled to a %26quot;homepage%26quot; which often contains simple navigation and editing tools. And if you use the Netscape browser, the built-in Sea Monkey Composer feature is a superior HTML authoring tool which is totally free. You can easily generate a full-blown website as a Homepage using other authoring tools such as FrontPage, NotePad, and Word and FTPing those webpages.

Nevertheless, the %26quot;homepage%26quot; URL is likely to be %26quot; name%26quot; and that URL can easily be overwritten via a redirection service, i.e., %26quot;; which allows you to link any registered domain name to %26quot;mask%26quot; another website. For example, should you type in the %26quot;domain name,%26quot; you will be immediately transported to the homepage and the hompage URL of a homepage URL which will be masked by the domain name. And the charge for the redirection service [even at] is normally FREE.

When you acquire a domain name, connect it using a redirection service [as discussed above] and submit/publish the domain name on major search engines/directories in order for Net surfers to find your website.

Good luck!

Other Replys:For step by step instructions on how to start you first website, go to

Near the bottom there is over 20 tutorials on web site building

Other Replys:I%26#039;ve found a lot of information on web hosting, hopefully may help you:


Other Replys:Hi,

Fluxservices is the best... They are great to work with, well

priced, and very reliable!

Check them out here -


Other Replys:I suggest JagPC for you with the Gigadeal - Shared Hosting Plan you get :

Disk Storage Space : 17,000 MB

Data Transfer (Bandwidth) : 210 Gb per month

Multi-hosted Domains : UNLIMITED

Domain Parking : UNLIMITED

Sub-Domains : UNLIMITED



Email Accounts : UNLIMITED

All that for just : $7.97/mo

More info :

Other Replys:Hi,

Why Not look At ZaxiHosting Plans?

Shared Hosting Starting At around 3$.

Cpanel/Fantastico Included too.

They have great uptime and all day available support.

I have a reseller account there and I%26#039;m very satisfy


How a web server can host different hostname & domainwhile it has one IP address. how the DNS is

I like to give some example.

1 server with one IP address and registered for .com domain is hosting , or In some web sites we see email address like below;; how is that possible. I cand understand how DNS is resolution takes place. Secondly what is virtual host.

How a web server can host different hostname %26amp; domainwhile it has one IP address. how the DNS is resolved.?

It%26#039;s all done server side. The domain is assigned a folder within the server. So when someone looks up the web address, the DNS servers kick the name over to the IP that is affixed to the server. The server picks up the name, matches it to the folder, and opens the index file for you to view.

A virtual host is exactly what it%26#039;s name implies. It is a %26quot;virtual%26quot; server. Meaning the whole server is not dedicated solely to hosting whatever content a person may put on the server. For example, there are these programs called WHM (Web Host Managers). They set up file structures that mimic a normal file structure on a server. The computer is told to believe that each folder is considered a server and to treat it as such. That way, the multiple folders never interact with each other, and they appear to be it%26#039;s own server. The owner of the folder couldn%26#039;t move outside his own folder because the computer would tell him he%26#039;s at the root folder of his %26quot;server%26quot;.

How a web server can host different hostname %26amp; domainwhile it has one IP address. how the DNS is resolved.?

One PC may have more than one IP. So it may have more than on hostname. For each Network Card you can give different IP Address.

Website design questions?

I registered a new domain, to showcase my portfolio of 3d models, textures, animations, demo-reel, etc.

Really struggling if I should go the CSS route vs. full blown Flash site. CSS would be a lot faster for me, but Flash might look a lot better... Ugh, I can%26#039;t decide.

I%26#039;ve been looking through templates off and on all day and can%26#039;t come up with anything that really catches my eye.

What would you do?

Website design questions?

I%26#039;d go css every time- flash sites are too prone to %26#039;flashturbation%26#039;. If you want a site for people to just get in, see samples of your work and be impressed by that then a nice simple, clean CSS built site will do just that.

It%26#039;s the 3D work you want to be getting the work for - not web design閳?right?

There are no complicated design classics.

Website design questions?

If you%26#039;re trying to show off your animation-type skills, then Flash may be the best way to go. If you were going for more of the website-smart design, then I would%26#039;ve recommended CSS.

Other Replys:I would suggest a combination of the two. Use a program like Photoshop or Fireworks to design to create your site layout and designate areas of the page to use for flash animation. The rest of the page will be .jpgs and html text. Read up on it, it%26#039;s called %26quot;the slicing technique%26quot;. It gives the site a very uniform effect. Not to mention it decreases load times.

How can i customize my .TK site?

Ive already registered with a domain name over .tk, but how can i start customizing my site design?

How can i customize my .TK site?

First, if you haven%26#039;t already, you need to get a web host. Some regristrars will also host your site but I don%26#039;t think dot tk does.

Second, you can either hand code (write yourself) the html/css/php/asp for your site or use a web design program such as Dreamweaver, Nvu, Kompozer, Mozilla Composer, or any other. For a list of tools check out:

Third, upload your site to your web host. You can usually use ftp for this, but each host may differ in how you can upload.

Really, really basic website build question.?

Ok, I%26#039;ve registered for a domain name, and I%26#039;ve signed up with a hosting service. I realise I have to build a website myself via Frontpage or Dreamweaver, for example. But could someone just please talk me through the mechanics of how I link this up with the service/name I%26#039;ve just bought.

Sorry to seem dense, but I just can%26#039;t see how to get from A (where I am now) to B (working website). All the Webhosts FAQs and Forum questions are way beyond me.

Thanks for your patient and kind explanations - (be nice, I%26#039;m the wrong side of 50).

Really, really basic website build question.?

have a look here for more tips

If you want more info you can search googe for %26quot;how to upload your web site%26quot;

Really, really basic website build question.?

you%26#039;re not dense!

Email or chat me... I%26#039;ll be glad to help.

Other Replys:.....

Other Replys:At a really basic level (and i mean really basic), this is how it works.

You will create your page in dreamweaver/frontpage, and it will generate a series of .html files. You will need to transfer (or %26quot;upload%26quot;) these files to your web server via FTP (file transfer protocol).

your web host probably has some kind of web based FTP which will let you browse for the .html files on your computer and upload them to the server.

good luck!

Other Replys:You have to upload your webpages (point a) onto the server (point b) through a transfer, this is usally through a FTP which stands for %26#039;file transfer protocol%26#039;. It also depends on which webhost your using.

Other Replys:hmmm, they should be helping you, I think thru dreamweaver you should be able to connect thu the host, they should have given y ou the passwords so that you can upload your stuff. I%26#039;m taking dreamweaver as we speak, we upload our homework to ftp space and he gave us the appropriate passwords and he gave us the url for our space. Don%26#039;t forget to synchronize, I alwa;ys forget that. I have not gotten a real site online yet, but I%26#039;m pretty sure you just have to put in that host info when you set up the managed site thingy.

Other Replys:sorry i don%26#039;t know

Other Replys:you mean point the domain name towards your hosting? um, logon to where you bought your domain name there should be something like manage domains or a clickable link of your domain or something.

itll ask for a name server that was provided to you from where you bought your hosting.

Other Replys:I take it you have a particular type of site in mind.

For really basic websites you can actually get websites that will do all of this for free, like the following:

These will give you a %26#039;subdomain%26#039;, i.e. or

You can also get free domain names from these sites:

Other Replys:Right ill give it a try;

-Once your host has set up the domain and hosting for you, they will send you log-in details for the FTP/hosting account.

-For example %26#039;frontpage%26#039;. Create a page called either %26#039;index.html%26#039; or %26#039;index.htm%26#039;. Then file and save.

-Go to file and then publish website.

-It will ask for the URL of the website...this can change. (this is going to be the location of where the site is going to be published. All hosts are kinda different with the way they work)

-You can either refer to the set up information they provided you or you can try the following;

A) Type in


-Then you%26#039;ll know if it works, as it asks for a username and password. The one the host gave you.

-upload your site

Your now done, and visit it. As that was an example, it will be on a larger scale if its on your drive. Like a site you already designed. -You get used to it.

Where to buy pre-made websites?

know a place where individuals sell pre-made websites. Websites aleady registered with a domain and scripts. I%26#039;ve been googling it but aint really finding what im looking for.


Where to buy pre-made websites?

search on ebay they have a whole section for it there

Victor C.

Where to buy pre-made websites?

dial 866.394.8086, leave a name %26amp; number.....I have my own web site totally maintained for $50/mo....includes shopping cart, visa protection %26amp; is approved by BBB %26amp; FTC

Other Replys:This is the closest place to find pre-made %26#039;templates%26#039; for websites:

Look for templates, and there are hundreds to choose from. They require customization, but 90% of the web-work is taken out of building the website.

If you%26#039;re looking for entire sites that are complete, built, and hosted, the only real place I know to look for these (and I have no idea why somone wouldn%26#039;t want to customize their own site) is on

Good luck,


Other Replys:pre-made websites...............

if only i knew what those were..................

Other Replys:Go to

Sending mail by my new website!?

i have recently registered my new domain.

when i try to send email on my site to my email address at yahoo it will go to balk!! why yahoo do this! whats wrong with my site?

Any idea how this can happen and how this can get fixed?

Sending mail by my new website!?

You must add that email address to your email address book.

Then try it again.

If it still went to Bulk (not balk) folder, then your email message has already been reported as Spam. You can make sure you don%26#039;t have it in your Blocked Address list, by going to your email options.

Good Luck!

Sending mail by my new website!?

Thank you for the vote.

It is an honor. Report It

Problem with sending mail by my new website?

i have recently registered my new domain.

when i try to send email on my site to my email address at yahoo it will go to balk!! why yahoo do this! whats wrong with my site?

Any idea how this can happen and how this can get fixed?

Problem with sending mail by my new website?

There%26#039;s several things that can go wrong.

1) The servers that your mail server is on send out a lot of spam mail. You may not be spamming, but others on the cluster of servers your mail server is on could be. Yahoo will assume you are just another spammer and send your messages to bulk.

2) Your e-mail doesn%26#039;t follow proper formats like proper headers. That raises a red flag and your e-mail gets sent to bulk.

3) Your e-mail looks like spam (you didn%26#039;t type viagra repeatedly or something like that right?).

How do I find out if the name I thought of for a business has been copyrighted already?

What if I registered a Web domain that was copyrighted?

How do I find out if the name I thought of for a business has been copyrighted already?

The short answer to your question is that business names can%26#039;t be copyrighted. A business may be named after a product whose brand name was trademarked (Xerox, for one). This obviously offers a great deal of protection to the owner of the mark. There is little protection in a name like %26quot;Bill%26#039;s Saw Sharpening Service%26quot;. If you were in a town a couple hundred miles away you could use the same name with no fear of legal problems. However, if you were in the same town and used the same name the original Bill could come after you on a number of issues.

If you register a domain name using someones trademark you are probably going to have problems. You may be on solid legal ground but it will take a lot of lawyering to prove it.

How do I find out if the name I thought of for a business has been copyrighted already?

try you can check there

Other Replys:Google the internet for the website for copyrighting with the government. It should have some information on it to explain what can be copyrighted and some information on if it has already been copyrighted.

Other Replys:You check with your Secretary of State%26#039;s office when you register.

Other Replys:Copyright, at the very least, applies to %26quot;designed%26quot; works. Trademarks apply to words, phrases, and terms, which is more appropriate for your question.

You%26#039;d have to do an exhaustive search if you really want to find out if the term/s within the domain name is also being used as a trademark. Google is one place to check, your federal or local trademark database is another.

Is it legal to use WHO-IS information for the purpose of junk mail?

Ever since I registered my .ORG domain name, I have begun to get credit card offers at my house addressed to my web site. Is it legal to use WHO-IS information for this purpose?

Is it legal to use WHO-IS information for the purpose of junk mail?

Yes. The Who-Is is open to any one as it is a %26quot;public%26quot; database. If you go back and add %26quot;private registration%26quot;, usually for a few dollars more per year, you can prevent some of the spam and other people contacting you. The Private Registration (or some companies call it ID Protect) blocks people from seeing your registration.

How do i upload webpages to a new website??

Ok i have just registered a new domain name with godaddy and i have just drew a complete blank as it has been a while since i ran website but what do i do next how do i go about gettin my html pages on the site???

How do i upload webpages to a new website??

Use FTP. Open an explorer window and type ftp://www.%26lt;your_site_name%26gt;.com in the address bar. Hopefully you know the username and password.

What is the best web design software for a novice using a PC?

I have registered a few domain names through godaddy and I would like to design some custom websites that are better than just the plain page with the blue links. Is there software that is good for a beginner and has pretty powerful web tools? Also, what do I have to do on godaddy%26#039;s end to have my website displayed on the internet. Do they have a page and/or size limit?

What is the best web design software for a novice using a PC?

Microsoft%26#039;s Front Page is finished. There is no current version. Drewamweaver is the industry standard. However, it is expensive and you are a novice. Use the free, open source package, NVU. It%26#039;s development environment is similar to Dreamweaver%26#039;s so if you ever feel the need to power up, you will already be comfortable working that way.

What is the best web design software for a novice using a PC?

microsoft front page is so easy

.info domains Are Free?


Any One TELL me ...That .info Domains Are free?

And If any one Can registered For Me .info doMain..PlzTell me I need

.info domains Are Free?

wa allaikum salam


try both and good luck.

.info domains Are Free?

Salam Aajnabee,for really good information i alway go

to and it gives you information

for all over the world and more.

It%26#039;s free and you don%26#039;t have to register.

good luck.


Is it legal to use WHO-IS information for the purpose of junk mail?

Ever since I registered my .ORG domain name, I have begun to get credit card offers at my house addressed to my web site. Is it legal to use WHO-IS information for this purpose?

Is it legal to use WHO-IS information for the purpose of junk mail?

It%26#039;s not illegal in the USA to do this. It is un-ethical, but why not just change your registration information?

How to change my php.ini file to send mail from my email?

I have the email address registered with my domain. Godaddy said i have to change the php.ini file to have my email in it so all emails sent from my site come frm this mail address. Does anyone know how to do this and how do i get the php.ini file?


How to change my php.ini file to send mail from my email?

More often than not, that file is in the so-called %26quot;root%26quot; of your hosting. Depending on what kind of hosting you signed up for, your host may or may not give you access to it.

Ask Go Daddy if they%26#039;ll let you %26quot;touch%26quot; it. If they say no, then explore other options.

How do I reset a Compaq Evo N410c laptop so I can install Windows XP.?


Our company was giving out old Pentium III laptops and I got one. They said the software will need to be installed as all the data is protected and you will need to install new software and hardware. I bought the laptop home and found I need a password to login which I don%26#039;t even know what it is. It is also registered under the domain which was used by the company. How can I reset this so I don%26#039;t need a password and how can I install Windows XP.

How do I reset a Compaq Evo N410c laptop so I can install Windows XP.?

If you have a win XP installation CD, insert it and restart the pc. Then select boot from CD. then u%26#039;ll be able to format the hard drive and install a new copy of XP.

How do I reset a Compaq Evo N410c laptop so I can install Windows XP.?

the procedure is lengthy , get someone to do it for you and learn from there

Other Replys:Can you get into the bios?

If you can, you need to get a CD drive and an install disk for Windows XP... the key for it may be on the bottom of the laptop or you may have to buy a copy.

Get into the bios (F10 at the beginning when there is a single block in the top left (maybe right) of the screen).

Set the laptop to boot off the CD drive

Boot the laptop with the XP install CD in

Follow instructions to delete original partition and create a new partition.

What they said to you was that you had to destroy the original XP install, so you%26#039;d be in breach of them giving you the PC if you hack your way past their password.

Other Replys:I do not have any laptop.excuse me for this. i never install windows xp.

Other Replys:reformat your hard drive put the install disk in and your done

Other Replys:Power it up hit the del key till your bios appears then change first boot device to cd-rom. Place your windows cd into the drive re-boot then it should read from the disc you should now be able to re-install windows. Good Luck let me know how you got on.

Why do people make such a big deal out of everything?

i.e. A controversial name for a beer, Myspace having ex-felons on it, what britney spears is doing this weekend, who is registering VA tech domain names, etc.

Are there not any more pressing matters to think about?

Why do people make such a big deal out of everything?

That seems to be their problem. Most of them seem to have just enough brainpower for these things, and nothing to spare for important issues.

Why do people make such a big deal out of everything?

nope, im so bored im listening to you talk about it all.

Other Replys:Human nature......we get bored so whe talk about what other people are doing.

Other Replys:why are u make such a big deal about this matter anyway?





Other Replys:It gives the News Media something else to report on. If you watch your 6:00 PM news, you%26#039;ll notice that after the first 10 min. they start talking about how to buy the best pair of jeans, instead of the news.

Do I need a business license for each website I create?

Actually, I have a couple questions: I am from Canada, if that helps any.

1). If I create a website and make money from it based on advertisement on the site, is it required for me to get a local business permit and register my business or domain name with the government registry, in order to run the website.

2). If the answer is yes to the above, then if create many more websites, each with the same type of revenue stream, do I also have to do this for each website domain. This could be a hassle if I do. Or is there a simpler method like registering under a generic business name and having all these websites fall under that name.

Thanks for you help.

Do I need a business license for each website I create?

I can%26#039;t speak of specific Canadian business laws, but as a general rule it is a good idea to register yourself as running a business (dba or doing business as). Your company may have multiple revenue streams, in your case, multiple websites that can be operated under the single business entity.

Problems with Hosting, FTP, Frontpage...the works. Help!

I have made a website before on Frontpage and uploaded it to Yahoo Geocities using the File Manager they have. It was simple and easy... However, I have since bought my own domain and am in the process of creating another website using FrontPage. I used to register and purchase my domain, and since they didn%26#039;t offer free webhosting I was advised to go with a free host like, which I did. Last night I tried to upload my pages a number of ways, but I must be doing something wrong because NOTHING is working. I uploaded a page to the file manager there and linked my awardspace account with my domain name... but it%26#039;s not showing up. I also tried FTP between FrontPage and awardspace, but FP is asking for things that awardspace didn%26#039;t supply me with... like (ftp://_________) and directory name, etc. Awardspace also has a program that accepts FP extensions, but I couldn%26#039;t get that to work either. I know I%26#039;m skipping a step somewhere or doing something wrong, but what?

Problems with Hosting, FTP, Frontpage...the works. Help!

The ftp:// address is the FTP site you need to connect to to upload the files. Awardspace will supply you with this information.

Problems with Hosting, FTP, Frontpage...the works. Help!

Could it be something simple like you are not creating a base page called index or home or whatever it is that that particular host points at.

Have you tried an dedicated FTP client like WS FTP - there are plenty of free ones out there

What do you think of our wedding website?

Should we add anything? Remove anything? Add more pictures? What would make it better?

I made it myself. I got the domain name for free at and then domain hosting for free at

What do you think of our wedding website?

The only thing I see that needs fixing is that the picture of your church is actually on the left but the text states the the photo is on the right. A minor error, but an error nonetheless.

You will want to include directions from major freeways to the venue, maybe a map, some links to nearby hotels/motels, and places to eat for your out-of-town guests.

What do you think of our wedding website?

you two are freakin cute...gee you%26#039;re handy on the computer!! I paid 50 bucks for my domain name and I dont even use it!!! lol anyways all looks well

Other Replys:So far it looks good. I would add a few more details.

Other Replys:Nice, I%26#039;ve thought about doing this to. It seems like you were really able to customize your site which is nice, better then some sites which dont let you do much at all. good luck on your wedding!

Other Replys:it looks good! congratulations! I would add some more should check out they have a ton of stuff to help you plan.

Other Replys:i think it looks awesome... add more details... more pictures of you guys... Congrats

Other Replys:I like this alot! It is soooo cute!

We have been wanting to do something similar to this. I went to these two sites but I can not figure out how to get it for free??? Could you help??

Other Replys:its a bit bland, no offenece

Other Replys:maybe add a story of how you guys met.

Other Replys:I like it and the colors. One thing I don%26#039;t like about wedding websites in general: when the couple puts the dress, flowers, tuxes, and other decorations on there. One thing guests love at weddings is the element of surprise looking at the bride, groom, flowers, etc. So when I see it on their websites I kindof get a little sad that I know all the details already.

I would put on there info about local hotels and restaurants instead of the planning information. Element of Surprise - work it!

Dotbiz website address as opposed to Dotcom?

Can anyone think of a particular disadvantage of registering a Dot biz domain name rather than Dot com?


Business name is Thingz U need

if is not available,

is it better to register %26quot;; or %26quot;;

Any opinions?..does it matter? Do Dotbiz sites come up on yahoo and google searches?

Dotbiz website address as opposed to Dotcom?

.biz and .com are treated exactly the same by search engines and there are over 20 million .biz pages indexed by Google for example;q=sit...

In the minds of the users however ther is some difference with .com being slightly more trusted than .biz.

I suggest you try looking for a .com with your keywords in it but seperated by hyphens, maximum of two hyphens though.

Try this tool

Good luck!

How do i start my own website?

I want to start a website to get more people to become veagon/vegetarians/piscetarians and raise awareness about global warming. And how to do i register to get a domain name with out paying anything.

How do i start my own website?

A good free hosting site I know is Go there and register your site, and you can choose between Raw HTML mode or an easy builder mode. If you don%26#039;t know HTML I suggest getting an easy builder site until you learn it.

Can I host a website at home with Apache?

Can I just host a site from my home and register for a few domain names, let%26#039;s say:-, and all pointing to my PC at home?

Has anyone done it? Can you please share the exact steps for this?

Can I host a website at home with Apache?

Follow these setps:

Can I host a website at home with Apache?

You can use microsoft publisher to create the web pages. You need to first check that the name isnt registered, then get in touch with someone who will host it for you, unless ytou have a web server available to you to host it from

How do i host my own site (IE and put a forum on it?

All i want is a front page and the forums, i dont need anything fancy

I%26#039;d like a step by step if possible....i am currently looking at for my domain, but i dont know if i need to take the customizable option or if i can get a cheaper package.\

kinda new to the webpage deal, so details will help greatly

thanks =)

How do i host my own site (IE and put a forum on it?

Well, I used to get my domain name and the webhosting for it because it was the cheapest thing I could find. Make sure you get the one with PHP hosting and not ASP if you sign up there because that will make other forum software run much more smoothly. GoDaddy also comes with MySQL databases, which you%26#039;ll need to create a forum.

If you have the site set up and one of the MySQL databases, you can download some free forum software from and upload all the files to your website. It%26#039;s pretty simple because you type in a few account details onto a webpage, and it pretty much sets itself up.

There%26#039;s also a support forum for the SMF software so they can help you out if you have any problems that aren%26#039;t covered in their instructions.

How do i host my own site (IE and put a forum on it?

go to website to find cheap and good host

Other Replys:Also check with They have a free web host with different types of add ons.


I need a website where I can register a domain name 鎷? or less per year, and get 5 free email addresses with it. Person who gets me the best deal wins 10 points!

Oh, and web hosting is not necessary. Already have it.


Only at bravenet with almost 200 pop emails and 200 forwarding, only $8/year registration very easy. No additional requirements.

Click the link below.

Unmatched service, I have one domain.


yahoo 2.99 per year and that is USD just got the e-mail yesterday...

Other Replys:GoDaddy has for 9.98 per year USD which I believe is a little over 5 GBP

How do you search the WhoIs Database?

I am trying to figure out how to research the WhoIs database to see who how many domain names, and which ones, to which a person or entity is registered?

For example, I%26#039;m trying to figure out how many domain names are registered to John Doe. I%26#039;d like access to the WhoIs database so I can search for all sites that have the registrant John Doe and have a list returned to me.

I know I can enter a website, like, into a domain registration firm like GoDaddy and use their WhoIs database to find out the registrant of a specific domain, but there are some 59 million .com sites and I really don%26#039;t have that much time. I want to reverse that process and research on name or address or phone number or other searchable field.

Naturally, I%26#039;d like to search for free, but pay sites are OK.

How do you search the WhoIs Database?

You can try

How do you search the WhoIs database?

I am trying to figure out how to research the WhoIs database to see who how many domain names, and which ones, to which a person or entity is registered?

For example, I%26#039;m trying to figure out how many domain names are registered to John Doe. I%26#039;d like access to the WhoIs database so I can search for all sites that have the registrant John Doe and have a list returned to me.

I know I can enter a website, like, into a domain registration firm like GoDaddy and use their WhoIs database to find out the registrant of a specific domain, but there are some 59 million .com sites and I really don%26#039;t have that much time. I want to reverse that process and research on name or address or phone number or other searchable field.

Naturally, I%26#039;d like to search for free, but pay sites are OK.

How do you search the WhoIs database?

While the 2 sites below aren%26#039;t completely accurate, they give as much info as possible:

What does..?

Extra domain

Add a valid domain name(.com, etc). After adding this domain both the domain and previous subdomain will operate on your account.

Domains must be registered through an external registrar.


Maximum of 255 characters.

what does that mean

What does..?

forget all the heck!!

go for a web hosting company that is afforrdable...

else try some free web hosters like


hope you are tryna put up website up n runnin.. aint i?

try selecting .com if you have some general forums and posts on your site....

What does..?

is the alfa numeric account in yr server

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Unbelievable facts????

1. If you are struck by lightning, your skin will be heated to 28,000 degrees Centigrade, hotter than the surface of the Sun.

2. If you trace your family tree back 25 generations, you will have 33,554,432 direct ancestors 閳?assuming no incest was involved.

3. The average distance between the stars in the sky is 20 million miles.

4. It would take a modern spaceship 70,000 years to get to the nearest star to earth.

5. An asteroid wiped out every single dinosaur in the world, but not a single species of toad or salamander was affected. No one knows why, nor why the crocodiles and tortoises survived.

6. If you dug a well to the centre of the Earth, and dropped a brick in it, it would take 45 minutes to get to the bottom 閳?4,000 miles down.

7. Your body sheds 10 billion flakes of skin every day.

8. The Earth weighs 6,500 million million million tons.

9. Honey is the only food consumed by humans that doesn閳ユ獩 go off.

10. The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters.

11. A donkey can sink into quicksand but a mule can閳ユ獩.

12. Every time you sneeze your heart stops a second.

13. There are 22 miles more canals in Birmingham UK than in Venice.

14. Potato crisps were invented by a Mr Crumm.

15. Facetious and abstemious contain all the vowels in their correct order.

16. Eskimoes have hundreds of words for snow but none for hello.

17. The word 閳ユ笩et閳?has the most definitions in the English language.

18. The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating its letters is uncopyrightable.

19. Windmills always turn counter-clockwise.

20. The 閳ユ藩ixth Sick Sheik閳ユ獨 Sixth Sheep閳ユ獨 Sick閳?is the hardest tongue-twister.

21. The longest English word without a vowel is twyndyllyngs which means %26quot;twins%26quot;.

22. 1 x 8 + 1 = 9; 12 x 8 + 2 = 98; 123 x 8 + 3 = 987; 1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876; 12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765; 123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654; 1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543; 12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432; 123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

23. The word %26quot;dreamt%26quot; is the only common word in the English language that ends in %26quot;mt%26quot;.

24. Albert Einstein never wore any socks.

25. The average human will eat 8 spiders while asleep in their lifetime.

26. In space, astronauts cannot cry because there is no gravity.

27. Hummingbirds are the only creatures that can fly backwards.

28. An ostrich閳ユ獨 eye is bigger than its brain.

29. Cockroaches can live 9 days without their heads before they starve to death.

30. A flamingo can eat only when its head is upside down.

31. The lighter was invented before the match.

32. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up at the sky.

33. The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year!

34. Scientists with high-speed cameras have discovered that rain drops are not tear shaped but rather look like hamburger buns.

35. The first Internet domain name ever registered was on March 15, 1985.

36. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone back in 1876, only six phones were sold in the first month.

37. Approximately 7.5% of all office documents get lost.

38. is currently the most expensive domain name sold: for $7.5 million.

39. In 2001, the five most valuable brand names in order were Coca-Cola, Microsoft, IBM, GE, and Nokia.

40. In Canada, the most productive day of the working week is Tuesday.

41. In a study by the University of Chicago in 1907, it was concluded that the easiest colour to spot is yellow. This is why John Hertz, who is the founder of the Yellow Cab Company picked cabs to be yellow.

42. It takes about 63,000 trees to make the newsprint for the average Sunday edition of The New York Times.

43. On average a business document is copied 19 times.

44. The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system in India, employing over 1.6 million people.

45. Warner Chappel Music owns the copyright to the song %26quot;Happy Birthday.%26quot; They make over $1 million in royalties every year from the commercial use of the song.

46. All babies are colour-blind when they are born.

47. Children grow faster in the springtime than any other season during the year.

48. Each nostril of a human being registers smells in a different way. Smells that are made from the right nostril are more pleasant than the left. However, smells can be detected more accurately when made by the left nostril.

49. Humans are born with 350 bones in their body, however when a person reaches adulthood they only have 206 bones. This occurs because many of them join together to make a single bone.

50. May babies are on average 200 grams heavier than babies born in other months.

51. Leonardo da Vinci was dyslexic, and he often wrote backwards.

52. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had only one testicle.

53. Queen Lydia Liliuokalani was the last reigning monarch of the Hawaiian Islands. She was also the only Queen the United States ever had.

54. Rolling Stones band member Bill Wyman married a 19 year-old model Mandy Smith in 1988. At the same time Wyman%26#039;s son was engaged to Mandy Smith%26#039;s mother. If his son had married Smith%26#039;s mother, Wyman would have been the step grandfather to his own wife.

55. There are 158 verses in the Greek National Anthem.

56. There are about 6,800 languages in the world.

57. There was no punctuation until the 15th century.

58. Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day.

59. The coconut is the largest seed in the world.

Unbelievable facts????

Those are pretty much completely believable facts. Thanks for sharing.

Unbelievable facts????

Amazing, thanks

PS. I asked about no.15 previously

I can only give you one star though...

Other Replys:Thanks for the information ^_^

Other Replys:7. Your body sheds 10 billion flakes of skin every day.

I%26#039;m gonna have nightmares thanks

25. The average human will eat 8 spiders while asleep in their lifetime.

How long can I stay awake before i die? You forgot that one...

Other Replys:Really interesing! I wish I can read something like his whenever I view Yahoo answers! Thank you!

Other Replys:thanks for sharing those!

Other Replys:hmmm thanx for this

Other Replys:whoaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! those are some sick facts! thx for sharing!

Other Replys:I%26#039;m fairly certain a few aren%26#039;t true. One of the most common ones passed around is the spider one which as far as one can gather isn%26#039;t true....

Other Replys:Very long and interesting facts.

How do I find out how long a retailer has had its website online?

I know how to check when th domain name was registered but don%26#039;t know how to check how long the domain has been registered to the retailer.

How do I find out how long a retailer has had its website online?

Check the domain age

How do I find out how long a retailer has had its website online?

The Whois database has all such info regarding the domain names. You can always open the site

Enter the website name in the space for %26#039;enter domain name%26#039; and then click %26#039;search%26#039;. In the following page click on the %26#039;click here for info%26#039;.

Register your domain name, before anybody else registers it.

Vera C

Cant view my site?

Strange one for you,

I cant view my newly uploaded website from this PC, eveyone other can, just seems to be this PC.

I even went ahead and reformated this PC, thinking it was a cookie problem, but still all I get is the page telling me %26quot;This domain was recently registered at The domain owner may currently be creating a great site for this domain. Please check again later!%26quot;

Could it be my ISP?

I seem to be the only person who cant see my own site!

(site was not made from this PC)

Cant view my site?

The site may be cached in your ISP, don%26#039;t access the site for a few days, you will see what you have uploaded. From

Cant view my site?

That is to bad check your hard line or call a computer Geek to make it compatible.

How do I add a blog to my yahoo store?

I currently have my domain that I registered somewhere else forwarded to my yahoo account. Now I have a yahoo store for the domain, I want to add a blog, but the blog functionality is under web hosting management NOT ecommerce store management, so my question is how do I get the blog from being on that I never even use and put it on my real site - the store

How do I add a blog to my yahoo store?

The only way to do this is to copy and paste. Add this to your new blog site like that or if you want, link them together.

From email address while replying a autoforwarded email?

I have a domain( registered with Yahoo and the emails sent to that domain automatically get forwarded to my yahoo account. However, when I reply that email which was sent to my email address at the %26quot;from email address%26quot; part comes up as my yahoo email address

Can you please let me know what do I need to do so that the %26quot;from%26quot; shows up as %26quot;; instead of %26quot;;?

Thanks and Have a Great Day

From email address while replying a autoforwarded email?

I tried that a couple years ago and it was so complicated I finally gave up on it...but you can try researching this in Help section. good luck...

Who "owns" a product if you came up with an idea while at a company, and then leave?

I was co-founder of a company, and came up with a product idea. Using company resources, I completely developed all aspects of the product - the name, form factor, content, etc. The patent is filed in my name, the trademark is in my name, and the domain name is registered to me. So if the company spent money but I did the work and everything%26#039;s in my name, who %26quot;owns%26quot; the ability to exploit the product? (There is no particular trade dress.) Thanks.

Who %26quot;owns%26quot; a product if you came up with an idea while at a company, and then leave?

Typically in your line of work a company will have you sign an intellectual property agreement when you start working there. If they didn%26#039;t, that%26#039;s good for you. However, the only way you%26#039;ll be clear is to hire an appropriate attorney to make sure you have clear rights to the developed article/item/property. It may even come down to joint ownership. Normally, the company owns whatever you develop while you work there, so it would be an uphill fight for you to make all this legally yours.

Who %26quot;owns%26quot; a product if you came up with an idea while at a company, and then leave?

You were paid in stock, not %26quot;unpaid for your tenure%26quot; If you are unhappy with your negotiation skills in retrospect, well.... Report It

Other Replys:As for who owns what, if there are truly no assignments, it maybe up to the courts to decide if you can%26#039;t negotiate to everyone%26#039;s satisfaction. But it could get very messy, esp. if you kept or created things in your name, while as an officer of the company you had a fiduciary duty to not do that. Report It

Other Replys:The company. I am basing my response on the fiduciary relationship in an agent-principal or simply agency relationship

Other Replys:As far as copyrights go, it would be a Work for Hire if you were compensated in some way while creating the product and can be refiled to reflect that. The rights would go to the company. Has anyone considered a residuals/royalties deal? Who do they have to tweak the product to maintain momentum?

Free web hosting?

Hey. ne computer geniuses out there? i have a domain name already registered and i have designed a website i would like to put up. now where can 1 get free web hosting is it possible or is it a myth. plz help...

Free web hosting?

1.5 GB of bandwidth*

50 MB disk space

Easy Builders

Web-based FTP

Free Templates

Advertising supported

Free web hosting?

My company will host any site FREE for 1 year. There are no hidden fees, costs, gimmicks, ads, or whatever. We provide the best service in the industry, period. After 1 year, it%26#039;s $9.95/month which includes unlimited bandwidth and diskspace and 5 e-mail accounts. Report It

Other Replys:Your own ISP?

Other Replys:search free webhosting on google. even yahoo offers free hosting (geocities).

Note: All free webhosting has ads. All free webhosting sucks.

Other Replys:well u shoood contact the website that ur hosting

Other Replys:Your not going to get a free host with enough free space to put up a descent site. I would just going to and look at their economy plan cheap about $3.19/mo for 24 months, 3.59/mo for 12 months, 3.99/mo for 2 months. It cool check it out!

Other Replys:I bumped into this site and found their plans seem good enough.

The main site is actually a support forum. As you can see, there is an option to upgrade if usage get higher and need more, this will save time in looking for another host or have to pay for more. Look for their terms and guide as they also have some auditing activities to check on accounts abusing the service.


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