Sunday, May 23, 2010

Our Government is Corrupt?

I tried to register a website with an extension of .gov

I ended up with the following message over and over again:

%26quot;2006-02-12: .gov domain name registration is limited to federal, state, local and tribal government organizations within the United States. Registration is handled through the Federal Government%26#039;s web site. Currently the cost of registration is $125/year. For complete information, or to register a .gov domain, visit %26quot;

I wanted to start a website, namely for the irony,

but from what I can understand, the US Government is preventing me from doing such, thus hindering my constitutional right of freedom of expression.

What do you think?

Our Government is Corrupt?

I think you have too much time on your hands.

BUT..... you have a point about Corruption.

Medicare %26amp; Medicaid looses around 1 BILLION dollars a year through Fraud.

The Government seems helpless to stop Corruption of Government Programs.

Our Government is Corrupt?

Follow the rules and register your ridiculous website on another domain name.

Go cry to someone who cares, whiner

Other Replys:Well, you%26#039;re just figuring that out? I think the USA is fast becoming the United States of Corruption, Fraud, Waste and Abuse run by Organized Crime and Illegal Immigrant Supporters.

Other is for government use only. But maybe you could use

Other Replys:its because you dont have anything to do with any of those things... thats like putting something that starts with an A under X in a fileing system

Other Replys:Well, if you have a company, and you want to register the name %26quot;mycompany%26quot;.org, you can%26#039;t do that either. The internet was kinda invented by the military(DARPAnet) so the US government still has some control over it. Yeah, its kinda junk, but we no longer have many of the rights given us by our constitution, so what can I say? As to our government being corrupt, it is made up of people. Some are straight shooters, others are rotten eggs. Its still a lot better than most places. (Think Rio de Janiero)

Other Replys:Think about it. You have to pay to have a website with a .com right. How is paying for a .gov address any different?

Other Replys:It is the Government%26#039;s domain. Please cry elsewhere.

Other Replys:I think you have to be a little more understanding here!

As I have no confidence at all in this administration, I think you may be jumping the gun on this one.

If you are not an official goernment official starting a website in representation of such organization you need to find another domain. Just imagine how many millions of others would do the same thing making searching for .gov organizations ridiculous.

Your freedom of speech is not an issue because by simply having the %26quot;right%26quot; to use said domain does not make any argumnet or statement about any paticular issue.

Simply use another domain and you can say anything you want. You are fishng a little with this one....but hey, still stay very pissed with this admin!

Other Replys:SM:

I see I%26#039;ve found another freed mind.

While your question %26quot;is the gov%26#039;t corrupt%26quot; is correct on so many conscious and unconscious levels (we could talk for several months without running out of things to say.)

I do believe the US gov%26#039;t does have control over the dot(gov) extension.

Best suggestion is we start a .evil extension - something more descriptive for our government rants!

Other is STRICTLY reserved for government agencies so not to confuse people. they are OFFICIAL sites.

Same reason you can%26#039;t get a license plate that says %26quot;GOV 1%26quot;

It%26#039;s so nobody can perpetuate a FRAUD by producing fake news or other by leading people to think it%26#039;s actually FROM a GOVT Agency.

It is the same with dot.EDU you have to be an EDUCATIONAL Institution.

it has nothing to do with %26quot;Freedom of Speech%26quot;

Other Replys:Wrong. You have many domain names to express yourself freely. You can%26#039;t speak from the gallery in a courtroom either. Or the senate chambers. Try speaking too loud in a theater and see if you don%26#039;t get tossed out. You can%26#039;t even broadcast over the airwaves without a license from the FCC. Try driving your car without a license. I could go on but you get the picture.

Other Replys:the majority of governments are corrupt anyways

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