Friday, October 30, 2009

FTP problem again?

Okay. So here%26#039;s my specific situation.

I got a domain name from I got it. I bought it. It%26#039;s active. It%26#039;s working.

For my hosting, I used another company. So I have a domain with one company. I have my hosting with another company.

I got SmartFTP as my FTP client.

I already logged in. I get my domain%26#039;s name showing up on the FTP box. I%26#039;ve looked for my index page, and I%26#039;ve made the transfer into the proper folder on my FTP box.

Why do I still not get my domain working properly? As soon as I type in my domain, I get my domain company%26#039;s website (which I expected). But I would really like to get my website showing up instead.

Is this a problem between my domain being from another hosting company? Is there a step I%26#039;m missing here?

And yes, this is my second website, but I want to do it on my own. I got helped last time.

FTP problem again?

you have to transfer your domain name to the hosting company. ie you have to specify that you want your domain name to be hosted by a particular company. And after you send the request it takes about 24 to 48 hours before you can access your domain name.

FTP problem again?

Did you upload to the correct folder?

Also, did you upload an index.*** page?

Other Replys:You need to make sure that you%26#039;re pointing the domain to the actual website - either by masked forwarding, or by going in and changing your DNS Nameservers to match those of your webhosting company. (There should be some setup options for this from the website you actually BOUGHT the domain from or if you%26#039;ve parked the domain with some other company, THEY should have a setup area to change the DNS)

Hope this helps!

If you%26#039;ve already done this, than make sure you have the index.html (.htm, .php, .cgi or whatever you%26#039;ll be using) page in the root folder on your FTP server.

Other Replys:You have to point your domain Name Servers to your other hosting company.

Find out the what the address%26#039;s for your hosting company%26#039;s name servers e.g,

Then log in to your domain company, under DNS you should be able to enter your Name servers.

Then when they visit your domain, instead of seeing your domain company%26#039;s page, they%26#039;ll be re-directed to your hosting company which houses your site.

Other Replys:Did you set up the domain%26#039;s company DNS to point to your hosting service?

In few words you need to tell to your domain registar where is the correspondent webserver, mailserver, ftp server...

I guess you have to login at and manage the DNS record of your domain.

Other Replys:You might need to set up the ftp program to automatically over write files on the remote server. Type the direct path to one of your other pages, not the home page into your browser to see if it appears.

MAYBE TRY : Open Internet Explorer and visit (replacing http:// with ftp://)

Put in your username and password provided by your company and take a good look around. You might find a temporary index.html put there by the hosting company as the temporary home page. If you do, that%26#039;s where to put the files.

Using Internet explorer as an ftp client allows you to click and drag the files to your web space also for ease, prompting you normally if you want to over write existing files.

If all else fails, contact the hosting company. If they cant%26#039; answer a small question like that, they%26#039;re not worth paying money to in the future.

Other Replys:Sometimes it can take up to 48 hours for your name servers to propagate.

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