Friday, October 30, 2009

Have you ever received a phishing email asking for your Bank a/c details?

I receive so many phishing (fraudulent) emails asking to update my bank account details else threatening to close my bank account. These are basically emails pretending to be from a bank and provide a link to a hoax webpage designed to look like your original bank website, wherein you%26#039;re expected to put in all your bank login details.

Interesting thing is, I%26#039;ve managed to do a Whois search on the fraudulent domain names and been able to get contact details of the person registering the hoax domain names.

My question is, isn%26#039;t it easy for the police to track down such criminial websites and the persons operating them? Why is the threat for phishing scam not taken seriously? I don%26#039;t even know if there%26#039;s a separate government department set up for reporting cybercrime.

Have you ever received a phishing email asking for your Bank a/c details?

I just handled a phishing e-mail that indicated my PayPal password had been changed. It was almost identical to a real password change notification except it told you to go to a website and login with your old password. The e-mail came from I checked and a real notification came from

The link in the letter looked like a url, but, instead took you to . I spoofed an e-mail and password and was taken to where I was asked to provide all of the info from my credit card to verify who I was.

I WHOIS%26#039;d and it was registered to:

Organisation Name.... Howard Sams

Organisation Address. 310 pine valley bridgeville,pa.15017

Organisation Address.

Organisation Address. bridgeville

Organisation Address. 15017

Organisation Address. PA

I WHOIS%26#039;d and it is registered to:

Organisation Name.... Qiang Chiung

Organisation Address. P O Box 99800

Organisation Address.

Organisation Address. EmeryVille

Organisation Address. 94662

Organisation Address. CA

I reported it as a phishing site to Microsoft (tools - Phishing Filter - Report This Website).

I forwarded the entire e-mail to PayPal at

I then forwarded the e-mail and other information to US-CERT (US Computer Emergency Readiness Team) at .

It is easy to see that both sites were phishing sites. First the domain name sounds wrong. Then, neither site was a secured site (they would have started with https:... .

I hope others take the time to report phishing. It may prevent others from being victimized and, hopefully, your actions might help to lead to the prosecution and conviction of the person(s) committing the fraud.

Have you ever received a phishing email asking for your Bank a/c details?

Give me your account info and I will check into that for you.

Other Replys:it could be because there is so much of this going on. i got a phone call a few weeks ago like a telemarketer and they said i won a trip to the bahamas and to give them my credit card number and they will send my ticket in the mail . i just hung up the phone.

Other Replys:the net police are too lazy. there are so many sites popping up so many scams going on that there is just to many to track down

it is so much easier to hide your tracks in cyberspace than it is to in real life.

Other Replys:The problem for the police is that no crime has been committed unless someone has actually relieved you of large sums of cash! It%26#039;s not illegal to send one of these mails. If it%26#039;s to do with a Bank then report it to the relevant Bank. If the Bank provide a good service they will have an anti-fraud Department. By all means tell your local Police but what will they do if the attempted fraud originates in Nigeria? Make a complaint to Yahoo. You never know if enough people complain about a service that allows such mails - especially ones not addressed to your email address - to be delivered, then may...just maybe....they%26#039;ll do something about it! But dont hold your breath.

Other Replys:aye i am fed up with these emails too - i contacted my bank and they asked me to forward the emails to them ao they could check them out and update their home page to warn others - some of the links on the emails were disgusting

Other Replys:I answer many questions every day regarding fake lottery scams and phishing scams. I always direct the questionnaire to the below link for confirmation of various scams and how to report them.

Other Replys:I have had loads from Nat West and I dont even bank with them, I just ignore and delete them without opening.

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