Friday, October 30, 2009

Website Hosting Problem???

okay so i just registered a .com domain name. they gave me some like one month hosting thing so i figured out what ftp was and i uploaded my html files and created a directory on the server but when i checked out the page, the site worked alright but there was a big abnoxious banner ad at the top from the web hoster ( i checked out all the files but nothing seems to be there. any solutions? how do i get rid of the banner. okay so then i had an idea. i have a pretty good internet connection and i have a relatively okay computer that isnt used. is there any way that i can host my own website? i mean i own the domain and so cant i put the html files into a directory on the computer and have it as a server? it isnt a big website so it shouldnt be a problem. i am a total newbie at this website stuff and i need some serious help. serious answers only.. thanks!!

Website Hosting Problem???

In all actuality, I would go use Yahoo for hosting your page if I were you. It is much easier to use and you put all content on yourself. You download their sitebuilder for free, and as long as you can put together a Word Document, you can put together your own website. I put a link below if you want to check out more.

Hope this helps.

Website Hosting Problem???

Let me answer your questions one at a time:

1. The reason that there is a big banner at the top of your pages is because this is how the host has decided to pay for your %26quot;free%26quot; hosting. They allow you to host your web site for free, in exchange for putting their banner at the top of the page. There is no way for you to remove this from the page, unless you perhaps pay for hosting from this company.

2. As far as hosting your own web site is concerned, this is something that is possible, though I would not recommend it. There is a lot involved in doing this, especially regarding security. Additionally, many ISPs (Internet Service Providers) have stipulations in their terms and conditions that say that you%26#039;re not allowed to host a web site through your internet access. Often you%26#039;re required to sign up for the business class internet service if you want to do this. Additionally, many ISPs hand out dynamic IP addresses, which can be a problem when you want to have the domain name resolve to your machine. To get around this, you can use a service like DynDNS.

I would just recommend that you purchase web hosting from a company. You can get it for VERY cheap these days. I%26#039;m currently with HostAffect - - and they%26#039;ve got a $15 / year plan that I%26#039;d recommend.

Other Replys:The banner in question seems to have been placed by your web host. The 1 month hosting is probably a trial offer, and it%26#039;s a common practice for hosts to place a banner on your site during that time. Since you%26#039;e bought a domain name, my guess is you need to upgrade to a paid hosting option (1-2 years). Contact them regarding this. It%26#039;s the only way to remove the banner.

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