Saturday, October 24, 2009

How does uploading to a server work?

Ok, please forgive my ignorance. I have an FTP client and have paid for a dedicated server through a company. There are 8 different web sites under 1 folder titled %26quot;site _folder%26quot;. Then each web page has its own folder titles %26quot;NameofSite%26quot; (for example), with all of the coding inside (made off dreamweaver by the way). When I upload the folder with my ftp client to the server, how does it get it%26#039;s %26quot;www%26quot; url name. Do I have to name the site folers %26quot;;? My domains are already registered with a different company than the company that has my dedicated server. I hope I didnt just confuse anybody more than myself. Thanks in advance.

How does uploading to a server work?

The computer will have a file system (similar to your own, which has a C: drive containing directories which can contain directories and so on).

The ftp server shows you a portion of this file system.

The webserver maps URLs on to the file system too (possibly with some magic in places).

The specifics of how the webserver maps on to the file system depends on how it is configured, you%26#039;ll need to consult the documentation from your host to find that.

How the server maps the domain names onto the file system is also a matter of how it is configured, but generally it will require each name to be configured explicitly. If you%26#039;ve only set them up with a third party then this probably hasn%26#039;t been done. You%26#039;ll need to consult the documentation for the server, or contact technical support to find out exactly how to go about that for your particular system.

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