Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where do these automated link/article pages come from?!?

I found out that a domain name I wanted to register (based on my personal name) was taken, so I visited the site. Turned out it was nothing but a bunch of links related to my last name (which is also the name of a province in Spain, apparently). This ticked me off. I thought a) %26quot;How could my name, which I thought was rare, be taken?%26quot; and b) %26quot;Who was the idiot who wasted the name on such a stupid site?%26quot; Then I got to thinking: I checked on this name a few weeks before on a domain site. Maybe the idiot made an automated program to read my query and decided to register it before me for his stupid marketing scam. That%26#039;s my theory. Is it possible?

Also, the site itself looked like it was created by an automated program. I%26#039;d seen these kinds of pages before when doing a search (here%26#039;s an example: ). Nothing but Google ads, links, and meaningless body text. Who%26#039;s responsible for these pages, and how can we do bodily harm to them?

Where do these automated link/article pages come from?!?

You can%26#039;t do bodily harm, but you might be able to do legal harm. There has been passed an %26#039;anti-cybersquatting%26#039; law which forbids anyone from claiming domain names without using them. Get your lawyer to write these folks a letter demanding that they relinquish the name to you (might work, might not).

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